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Jahr 2003

  • [TGNR03] Tian, M.; Gramm, A.; Naumowicz, T.; Ritter, H.; Schiller, J.:
    A Concept for QoS Integration in Web Services,
    1st Web Services Quality Workshop (WQW 2003), in conjunction with 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2003), Rome, Italy, December 2003  
  • [CWR03] Carle, G., Wehrle, K., Ritter, H. (Eds.): Models, methods and tools for reproducible network research.
    Proceedings of 1st ACM SIGCOMM 2003 Workshops MoMeTools, ISBN 1-58113-748-6, ACM Press, August 2003
  • [TVNR03] Tian, M.; Voigt, T.; Naumowicz, T.; Ritter, H.; Schiller, J.:
    Performance Impact of Web Services on Internet Servers,
    IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2003), Marina Del Rey, USA, November 2003
  • [TGNR03] Tian, M., Gramm, A.; Nabulsi, H., Ritter, H.; Schiller, J., Voigt, T.:
    QoS Integration in Web Services,
    Doktorandenworkshop Technologien und Anwendungen von XML, Berlin, Oktober 2003
  • [GRST03] Gärtner, C., Ritter, H., Schiller, J., Tian, M.; Voigt, T.:
    Abrechnung von mobil genutzten Web Services,
    Berliner XML Tage 2003 (BXML 2003), Berlin, Oktober 2003
  • [RTVS03] Ritter, H.; Tian, M.; Voigt, T.; Schiller, J.:
    A Highly Flexible Testbed for Studies of ad-hoc Network Behaviour,
    3rd International Workshop on Wireless Local Networks, WLN 2003, Bonn/Königswinter, Germany, October 2003 
  • [VoRS03b] Voigt, T.; Ritter, H.; Schiller, J.:
    Utilizing Solar Power in Wireless Sensor Networks,
    The 28th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN 2003, Bonn/Königswinter, Germany, October 2003
  • [VRS03] Voigt, T., Ritter, H., Schiller, J.:
    Utilizing Renewable Energy in Cluster-based Sensor Networks,
    First Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop 2003, Arlandastad, Sept. 2003.
  • [VoRS03a] Voigt, T.; Ritter, H.; Schiller, J.:
    Solar-aware Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks,
    Personal Wireless Communications, PWC 2003, Venice, Italy, September 2003
  • [RVTS03] Ritter, H.; Voigt, T.; Tian, M.; Schiller, J.:
    Experiences Using a Dual Wireless Technology Infrastructure to Support Ad-hoc Multiplayer Games,
    NetGames 2003, Redwood City, California, USA, May 2003
  • [RVNR03] Tian, M.; Voigt, T.; Naumowicz, T.; Ritter, H.; Schiller, J.:
    Performance Considerations for Mobile Web Services,
    3rd Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks, ASWN 2003, Berne, Switzerland, ISBN 3-9522719-0-X, July 2003

Jahr 2002

  • ZRSS04] Zahn, T., Ritter, H., Schiller, J., Schweppe, H.:
    FUtella – Analysis and Implementation of a Content-based Peer-to-Peer network.
  • [SRS04] Schäfer, K., Ritter, H., Schiller, J.:
    Service access in a distributed environment using the .NET-based DISCOURSE testbed.
    8th International Netties Conference, Ilmenau, September/Oktober 2002
  • [RST02] Ritter, H., Schiller, J., Tian, M.:
    Web services in mobile and wireless environments: Fallacies and Pitfalls.
    Microsoft Research Summer Research Workshop, Cambridge, September 2002
  • [SERZ02] Schaefer, Enderes, Ritter, Zitterbart: 
    Subjective Quality Assessment for Multiplayer Real-Time Games.
    Proceedings of NetGames 2002, Braunschweig, Germany, 16.-17. April 2002.

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  © by Hartmut Ritter 2004-2014