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Jahr 2001

  • [BRS01] Bechler, M.; Ritter, H.; Schiller, J.:
    "Quality of Service in Mobile and Wireless Networks: The Need for Proactive and Adaptive Applications"
    Telecommunication Systems 18:1-3, 227-224, 2001, Kluwer Academic Publishers
  • [Ritt01] Ritter, H.:
    "Bedarfsorientierte Dienstgüteunterstützung durch adaptive Endsysteme"
    Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 10, ISBN 3-18-368110-2. VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf
  • [BRSS01] Bechler, M., Ritter, H., Schäfer, G., Schiller, J.:
    "Traffic Shaping in End Systems Attached to QoS-supporting Networks"
    Proceedings of ISCC 2001 (6th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications), Hammamet, Tunesien, 3.-5. Juli 2001
  • [ORWe01] Oberle, V., Ritter, H., Wehrle, K.:
    "BPP: A Protocol for Exchanging Pricing Information between Autonomous Systems"
    Proceedings of HPSR 2001 (IEEE Workshop on High-Performance Switching and Routing), Dallas, USA, 29.-31. Mai 2001
  • [BHRW01] Bless, R., Holzhausen, D., Ritter, H., Wehrle, K.:
    "Advanced Mechanisms for Available Rate Usage in ATM and Differentiated Services Networks"
    Proceedings of ICATM 2001 (4th IEEE International Conference on ATM), Seoul, Korea, 23.-25. April 2001
  • [RWW01] Ritter, H., Wehrle, K., Wolf, L.:
    "Improving the Performance of TCP on guaranteed bandwidth connections"
    Proceedings of KiVS 2001 (Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen), Hamburg, Germany, 20.-24. Februar 2001
  • [BeRi01] Bechler, M., Ritter, H.:
    "QoS in the Linux Operating System"
    Interner Bericht 2001-01 der Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), ISSN 1432-7864, Januar 2001
  • [BR01] Bechler, M., Ritter, H.: 
    "A flexible Multiplexing Mechanism for Supporting Quality of Service in Mobile Environments"
    Proceedings of HICCSS 34 (34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences), Maui, Hawaii, Januar 2001

Jahr 2000

  • [GRSW00] Gerke, J., Ritter, H., Schiller, J., Wehrle, K.: 
    "Elements of an Open Framework for Pricing in the Future Internet
    Conference on Quality of future Internet Services (QofIS'2000), Berlin, September 2000
  • [RiWe00] Ritter, H., Wehrle, K.: 
    "Traffic Shaping in ATM and IP networks using standard end systems"
    Conference on High Performance Switching & Routing, Joint IEEE/ATM Workshop 2000 and 3rd International Conference on ATM, Heidelberg, Juni 2000
  • [RiPW00] Ritter, H.; Pastoors, T.; Wehrle, K.:
    "DiffServ in the Web: Different Approaches for Enabling better Services in the World Wide Web"
    Networking 2000 (joint conference of Broadband Communications, High Performance Networking and Performance of Communication Networks), Paris, Mai 2000
  • [Ri00] Ritter, H.:
    "Bedarfsorientierte Dienstgüteunterstützung durch adaptive Endsysteme"
    in: Krüger, G., Bless, R., Ritter, H., Schiller, J. und Ruggaber, R. (Hrsg.): Klausurtagung des Instituts für
    Telematik, April 2000, Interner Bericht 2000-6 der Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Karlsruhe
    ISSN 1432-7864
  • [BeRS00] Bechler, M.; Ritter, H.; Schiller, J.:
    "Quality of Service in Mobile and Wireless Networks: The Need for Proactive and Adaptive Applications"
    33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Januar 2000;
    auch erschienen in: Telecommunication Systems 18:1-3, 227-224, 2001, Kluwe Academic Publishers

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  © by Hartmut Ritter 2004-2014